Topics to Consider:
- Advantages of Plastics in Food Packaging
- Creative Use of Recycled Plastics
- How Plastics Benefit Humankind
- Myths about the Bad Reputation of Plastics
- Plastics in the Environment
- Plastics Usefulness in Society
- What Plastics Have Done for Me
- How Plastics Improve our Lifestyle

1st place essay from the Northern Area
Title: Beautiful Plastic: The Art of Reuse
Author: Jacquline Willsie
Grade: 12
School: Freeland High School

1st place essay from the Southern Area
Title: Plastics in Our Society
Author: Nicola Sellis
Grade: 12 (this year). Was a Junior when she won this contest.
School: South Lyon High School
Requirements for Submission:
Between 500 – 1,000 words. Essay to be written in English, title to appear as heading on each page; no name on any page except the entry form that must accompany each essay.
The organization structure of the essay should be “logical,” including the following considerations: Introduction, Development, Thesis and Conclusion.
Mechanics: Spelling should be correct; syntax should be readable; punctuation should be conventional. Essay should be free of sentence fragments. Diction (word choice) should be appropriate to the subject and the writer’s understanding of the topic. Point of view should be appropriate to the topic/subject and remain constant and consistent. Footnotes and references must be included when necessary.
Questions or more information contact:
Todd Hogan – North Contest Chair
[email protected], (989) 636-5303
Tom Miller – South Contest Chair
[email protected], (810) 986-6131